Startseite ➤ Company ➤ Production
The best of two worlds.
Innovation right down the line.
A look behind the scenes.

Eisen produces in Baiersdorf and Taicang. For us, the right balance between brand DNA, location advantage and logistics.
Our products stand for quality combined with innovation. That is why we continuously encourage the active exchange of know-how between our German and Chinese experts. Our sharpeners are exclusively produced in-house. The bodies of the metal sharpeners, such as the best-selling magnesium sharpener, are made from profiled rods. The plastic sharpeners are created from specially built molds in our in-house injection molding shop. This guarantees that we as pencil sharpener producer and supplier can react flexibly to your requirements in terms of speed and functionality.
An essential part of the production is the assembly with fully automated assembly machines in all areas of completion. With approx. 10,000 – 15,000 pieces per shift, we produce approx. 100 million sharpeners per year. This allows us to offer competitive prices and ensure quality.